The facebook kick starter academy

Are You Making The Most Of Facebook

For Your Business?

You know that with over 2.7 BILLION monthly active users, you need to have a Facebook presence for your business, but when it comes to knowing where to start, it can be a real challenge.

Are You….

😕  Sitting in front of your computer wondering what to post?

😕  Too busy to spend hours trying different techniques that may or may not work?

😕  Struggling to keep up with the constant changes to Facebook and how they impact your business?

😕  Feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

Take comfort in knowing you are EXACTLY the same as many small business owners. You are great at what you do, that’s why you started your business, but when you are struggling to do things that don’t come naturally it can zap your energy and focus.

What if you could have fresh content ideas EVERY MONTH?

What if you had someone, by your side, showing you how to get the most from your Facebook Business page with a group of like-minded business owners who also want to succeed online?

What if you had access to the latest changes and an understanding of how this effects your business?

What if you had ‘How-To’s’ and regular coaching to really help you benefit from the largest social media platform?

Well, now you can!


The Facebook Kick Starter Academy™

The Facebook Kick Starter Academy is a monthly membership offering you expert support and guidance to help you promote you and your business more effectively and consistently.

Your monthly membership will give you access to:-

✅ Fresh Content Ideas

So you are never stuck for ideas of engaging content that your audience will love. This includes 10 FREE images created that you can use on your social media pages to give you a ‘kick-start- to your content.

✅ Expert Training

Regular training videos with specific activities to keep you ahead of your competition.

✅ Monthly Group Planning Calls

Giving you support with planning your content to ensure you show up effectively on your business Facebook page.

✅ A 30 Minute 1-2-1 Call with Me 

This is a chance for you to ask any specific questions, gain accountability, or advice on your best approach to your marketing with a dedicated time each month in confidence.

✅ An Exclusive Facebook Group

A place for members to connect with each other, share ideas and get feedback and access to me personally every week day.


The facebook kick starter academy
I wanted more engagement on my social media, and felt I needed to be more consistent and organised with my Facebook posts. I also found sometimes I was struggling with inspiration for content. Then Facebook Kickstarter Academy came to the rescue. Suzii Fido's professional insight, coaching support and planning tools, have helped make it easy. Highly recommended if you want a greater understanding of how to increase engagement on your Facebook page.

Don't Sit Around Scratching Your Head For Content.
Join The Academy Now And Get Fresh Content Ideas EVERY MONTH

Google Ads Performance Check

Review Your Google Ad Campaigns TODAY!

You could be wasting your budget with common mistakes.


Request your Google Ads performance check and discover the mistakes that are costing you money with a report outlining recommended changes for improvement.
In our check we will do the following:-

✅ Carry out an overview of your current set up including targeting

✅  Complete extensive keyword research

✅  Assess the current keyword and ad targeting

✅  Asses the current Ad content

✅  Assess the current maintenance being carried out

Once the performance check has been completed we will provide a report of our findings with recommendations for improvement and your ongoing Pay Per Click Management.

All this for FREE!

Book your Performance check NOW!

Thanks For Signing Up!

Welcome to Your Ethical Marketer's Newsletter community!

I can’t wait to share my top tips and advice with you to help you ‘show up’ effectively and ethically online.

Look out in your inbox for a email from me with a free gift to say welcome to the community!

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!

your ethical marketer newsletter
Google Ads Performance Check

Great decision!

Fill in your details below and we will be in touch to arrange your FREE Performance Check

The FB Ads Winning Recipe

Thanks For Signing Up!

Everything we promised will be in your inbox in the next 10 minutes!

Thank you for requesting the FREE eBook
“The Facebook Ads Winning Recipe”.
Please check your inbox for the download link!

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!

Thanks For Signing Up!

I am super excited about my new book and can't wait to send you one of the first copies!

Thank you for showing interest in my up and coming book

“The Ethical Marketer’s Guide – 12 Steps BEFORE You Spend A Penny On Advertising

I promise to keep you informed of it’s progress and let you know AS SOON AS it becomes available for pre-order.

your ethical marketers guide
blogging editorial calendar

Get Your FREE Blogging Editorial Calendar

Never miss another deadline for your blogs again!

This template has been designed to keep you on track with your blogging activities and the results you achieve with sections to track :-

✅ Approaching Deadlines, formatted to highlight when you are about to miss a creation date.

✅ SEO keywords being used to reach More Readers and get the best results.

✅ Marketing goals and results.

Download your FREE template TODAY!

Thanks For Signing Up!

Everything we promised will be in your inbox in the next 10 minutes!

blogging editorial calendar

Thank you for requesting the FREE template
“The Blogging Editorial Calendar”.
Please check your inbox for the download link!

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!

Email Marketing 101

Email Marketing 101 will show you several ways to increase your email list FAST, and turn these subscribers into buyers.

Are you struggling to find effective ways to build your email list?

Then this FREE e-Guide is for you…
Download today and discover…


✅  How to build an Email list FAST!

✅   How to EFFECTIVELY PROMOTE your free offer

✅  Our ‘5 Step Process’ to turn your Subscribers into Buyers

Thanks For Signing Up!

Everything we promised will be in your inbox in the next 10 minutes!

Thank you for requesting the FREE e-Guide
“Email Marketing 101”.
Please check your inbox for the download link!

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!

Email Marketing 101

Thanks For Signing Up!

Everything we promised will be in your inbox in the next 10 minutes!

Thank you for requesting the complimentary PDF
“The Facebook LIVE ‘Quick Start’ Checklist”.
Please check your inbox for the download link!

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!

Facebook LIVE 'Quick Start' Checklist
Facebook LIVE 'Quick Start' Checklist


WARNING! This Checklist is not for people who are afraid to get in front of the camera, if you are, then close this browser now!

Want to make sure you get the most out of your Facebook LIVE sessions?

Worried that you might miss a crucial step along the way?

Then this ‘Quick Start’ Checklist is for you…

Download today and discover…

✅  A step by step guide that ANYONE can follow to look like a Pro in front of the camera! Even if it’s your first time.

✅  4 things you absolutely must do BEFORE you go Live

✅  Our 4 Steps to follow DURING your broadcast to get the most out of it

✅  4 actions to do immediately AFTER your broadcast to significantly increase your results!

✅  Exactly what you need to do (with no fluff) to get started right away!

The FB Ads Winning Recipe

Are Facebook Ads working for you?

Are You Looking To Get A Better Return On Your Facebook Ad Investment?

Then this this FREE e-Guide is just for YOU……

Download now and discover…

✅  The FIVE Key Ingredients to make up a prize winning Ad Copy

✅  How to advertise to different types of audiences

✅  How to build high converting audiences in just a few clicks!

✅ Our 3 step formula to achieving results FAST! 

✅  The “WINNING RECIPE” – You’ll want to use whenever you write an Ad!

Your Seat Has Been Saved!

12 marketing secrets
It’s great to have you on board! You will receive the link for the webinar the day before the LIVE event. In the meantime, check out your inbox for your copy of the
12 Marketing Secrets Workbook
so you have everything you need to get the most from your hour with Suzii.

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!
8 steps to save money on your google ads campaigns

Thanks for signing up!

Everything we promised will be in your inbox in the next 10 minutes!

Thank you for requesting the FREE eBook
“8 Steps To Save Money On Your Google Ads Campaigns”. 
Please check your inbox for the download link!

If you still can’t see it after 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder and make sure you mark it as ‘Not Junk’ as I wouldn’t want you to miss out on more FREE stuff to help your business grow!

In the meantime, why not ask Suzii to carry out a Performance Check on your Google Ads Account Now and start saving money IMMEDIATELY!

8 steps to save money on your google ads campaigns

Want to Get better results on your google ads campaigns?

Download this FREE e-Guide and see how you can save money on your campaigns NOW!

Want to get better results on your Google Ads Campaigns?
Feel like you're throwing money down the drain?
Then this FREE e-Guide is for you...

Download today and discover…

✅  How to prevent irrelevant clicks eating up all your budget

✅  How to increase visibility and conversions using Ad Extensions

✅  How to find keywords that your potential clients are using

✅  How to see target your ideal customer

✅  And much, much more…..

Download your FREE copy NOW!

Join Our Newsletter Community

your ethical marketer newsletter

Sign up TODAY! and stay ahead of your competitors

Receive Tips & Support Too Help You Market Your Business Effectively And Ethically
Join Today and Be The First To Receive…

✅  Marketing Tips – To Help you ‘show up’ authentically to your audience

✅  FREE Guides – Many free guides to help you market your business more effectively

 Offers & Discounts – Be the first to receive any offers or discounts available

And much, much more…..

Facebook Mentor Kick Starter


Your details are being whizzed over to Suzii as we speak and you should receive an email shortly, with a questionnaire for you to complete.

If you haven’t received anything in the next 30 minutes, please check your junk/spam folder as it may be hiding in there.

If not, please send an email to Suzii at and we will get it sorted right away!

While you are waiting for the instructions email, check out our helpful articles.

Welcome to the 5-Day Facebook Festive Challenge!

I can't wait to help you take that much deserved time off over the holiday season

The Facebook Festive Challenge sign

The challenge will start on Monday 7th December but check out your inbox now for an email from me with a link to our Exclusive Facebook Group so you can introduce yourself.

If you haven’t received it within the next 10 minutes, please check your spam/junk mailbox as it may be lurking in there.

If you still haven’t got it, then reach out to me at and I will get it sorted right away.

You've Make A Great Decision!

Don't Forget to Put The Date In Your Diary
Tuesday 6th April @ 10am

Suzii will be in touch soon to confirm your booking.

In the meantime, if you would like to find out more about 1Networking, visit the website HERE

12 marketing secrets

Take the Guess Work
Out Of Your Advertising

Congratulations! You’ve Taken The First Step To Generate Quality Leads Consistently

I can’t wait to share my 12 Step READY TO SPEND process with you and give you clarity of your next step to ensure you get the most from your marketing budget.

Fill in your details below and we will get your 12 Marketing Secrets Workbook to you straight away, ensuring you get the maximum value from your hour with Suzii.

your ethical marketers guide

Be the first to know when pre-orders of The book are available

I am so excited to be writing this book to help you to get the most from your marketing BEFORE you spend a penny on advertising.

What the book will cover…

✅  The 12 Steps I take my clients through to ensure they are getting the best from their marketing budget

✅  Downloadable worksheets so you can create your own effective strategy

✅  Examples showing how to complete the activities

By the end of the book and activities you will have a deeper knowledge of your business, ideal customer and the best ways to market to them. Enter your details below and I promise to let you know AS SOON AS is is available for pre-order list?