Are you trying to find ways to help ethical businesses survive during the Coronavirus pandemic?
In this article, I share 7 ways that you can help ethical businesses with their cash flow and marketing that will have a massive impact and leave you feeling good.
There is no doubt that we are all experiencing trying times as we do all we can to keep our heads above water and everywhere we look, businesses are closing, some for the final time. It is time for us all to support each other in an effort to get through this together and help ethical businesses to come out the other side stronger and ready to help make a difference in the delicate world we live in. Here are just 7 ways you can be a part of that difference.
Engage With And Share Social Media Posts
We are all spending a lot more time on Social media lately in order to stay connected with the outside world. This has now become one of the key marketing areas for businesses too. If you are following an ethical business on social media, make a point of engaging with them so they know they are not alone. Commenting on their posts helps with the Facebook algorithm too as their page will be seen as popular and reach more people
Sharing their content is even better as your connections may never have even known that businesses existed, and they can then see the great products or services they have. This simple act can help a business to get noticed and achieve those all important sales at a time they are needed most.
Buy A Gift Card
Does an ethical business you follow offer the option of a gift card? This would not only give them much needed funds, but also brighten someone’s day and give them something to look forward to.
Ask For Online Options
Many businesses with bricks and mortar premises are turning to online options to sell their products or services. If you have been shopping at a local vegan store, maybe you can still get the products from an online shop they have set up to help keep them in business, get the supplies you need and stay safe in your home at the same time. This could also apply to training or service-based businesses too. A great example of this is my business and mindset coach Sheryl Andrews of Step by Step Listening. She opens up her home to provide a unique space to help people quickly gain clarity of what they want and the confidence to make it a reality with Clarity and Confidence Retreats.
As gatherings are now prohibited, she offers these as virtual retreats so the participants can still receive all the support they need within the safety and comfort of their own home. To find out more about the Step by Step Listening Virtual Clarity & Confidence Retreats, click HERE.
Ask For Credit Note Instead Of A Refund
If you have bought something that you are no longer able to use e.g. meal for 2 at a restaurant or tickets to a local performance, why not ask for a credit note instead of a refund. This helps keep the cash flow in the business and gives you something to look forward to in the future when restrictions are lifted.
Leave A Review Or Testimonial
If a business has provided a good service or you love a product you have bought, leaving a review or testimonial is a great way to help promote that business. It only takes a few minutes of your time, but can have a massive positive impact for the company when others are making a decision about who to buy their product or service from.
Reschedule Instead Of Cancelling
Similar to asking for a credit note, maybe if you had an appointment booked, you could look to reschedule instead of cancelling the appointment altogether. It may be difficult to know when to reschedule for at the moment, but putting a provisional date in your diary works great and can always be moved again if the restrictions continue.
Promote With Your Connections
As well as commenting on your favourite business pages and sharing their content, you could give a shout out to your connections on social media. Maybe share a link to a product you have just purchased on their website and explain why you chose them. Or you could talk about something great they are doing to support others through the crisis. Every positive post helps enormously.
There you have just a few ways you can help ethical businesses survive the pandemic. Do you know of any other ways? I would love to hear about them in the comments below.
If you run an ethical business and are struggling with your marketing, reach out and book a FREE 45-minute discovery call with me today and let’s see how we can get you through these tough times to break through the other side stronger and more determined to make a difference.
Together, we can get through this!
In the meantime, If you have found this article helpful, please tweet and share. After all…..sharing is caring.
This is Suzii, signing out til next time. Stay home and stay safe x