Are you looking for ways to add festive spirit to your social media?
In this article I share 12 post ideas to add a bit of fun to your business pages this holiday season.
For some, this is a crazy time of the year, especially if you have a product-based business. But it’s not only about getting them all important sales.
The holiday season is a time to have fun and show your potential customers the personality behind your brand and it’s also a great way to increase engagement. But remember, you want a good mix of posts. This article is to give you fun ideas, but they should not be the only posts you share.
So let’s dive in and take a look at ways to spread some holiday cheer and let your audience see that you know how to have fun too!
1) Share A Seasonal Joke
We all like to have a giggle and this is a great time to share a seasonal joke but KEEP IT CLEAN! You don’t want to offend anyone! Turn it into an image to attract more attention and ask the audience to share their favourite Christmas joke in the comments.
2) Run A Christmas Competition
We all love the chance to win something which makes competitions a great way to get engagement, especially if it is only available to followers on your business page.
This could be in the form of best Christmas Selfie or best dressed Christmas tree. Of course, with any competition, you need a prize and this can be in the form of one of your products or if you don’t have any, maybe a product from a collaboration partner or customer. Either way, it’s a win win.
3) Name Your Favourite Christmas Song
Most people love music and what a better time to share this than at Christmas. Share a link to your favourite Christmas song from YouTube and ask your audience to do the same in the comments. This will possibly be one of your most engaging posts!
4) Show Your Festive Spirit
Share an image or video of you and your team in the festive spirit. I don’t mean drunk at a Christmas party! Many offices have a fun ‘Christmas jumper’ day, secret Santa presents or just decorating the office. This shows the people behind the brand and that you can have fun at work too. You could also ask followers to share a picture of their surroundings too.
5) What Is Your Festive Name?
We see them all over social media during different holiday seasons and Christmas is no different. Create an interactive image where your followers have to work out the ‘Elf’ or Reindeer’ name or something similar, based on the letters of their own name. Although creating these images can take a little longer, they are really worth it as you will great a great response.
6) Ask Festive Questions
Ask your audience a festive question. E.g. ‘What is your favourite Christmas movie?’ What is your favourite thing about the holiday season?’. Turn this into an image to attract more attention.
7) Community/Charity Event
Share a picture from a charity or community event that you are attending. This helps to show your audience your compassionate side and what you are passionate about.
One of our traditions is to help at the local animal shelter on Christmas day each year, cleaning out the dog pens (it’s messy, smelly work but we love it) and we always wear our Santa hats and share the image on our page. This not only shows we like to have fun but also expresses our passion for helping animals.
8) Run A Poll
Run a Christmas poll. Think of 2-5 things to put up against each other and ask for your audience to vote. For example, select 5 Christmas movies and ask which is the one that makes you think of Christmas the most. Or maybe ask people to answer on when is it appropriate to start listening to Christmas music with a few options to choose from. These kinds of questions often stir up conversations as people try to justify why there answer is the right one.
9) Create A Relatable Post
A relatable post is something that invokes a memory or something that people think ‘yeah that’s me’. Think of something Christmas related and create an image to add extra impact. You could ask people to respond in a particular way if they agree. Here is an example we used on our own page in the past and gained a lot of interaction, even from my own children!
10) Christmas Giveaway
Christmas is a time of giving so this is a great opportunity for you to give something back to your community. This could be a physical product or a service you provide. It’s up to you if you give everyone something or if it will be one lucky winner. The announcement can be done via a LIVE broadcast to encourage even further engagement.
11) Create A Holiday Greeting Video
Create a holiday greeting video from your company. This could be done by simply having Christmas music in the background while you say a thank you to your customer and followers for their support or you could be even more adventurous and have some fun with some 3rd party tools available. Every year we create a fun holiday video using JibJab. You simply choose a fun video from their selection and find a suitable image of you and your teams’ faces to upload to end and the website does all the work for you. With an annual account you can create one for every holiday event throughout the year!
Here is one we shared with our community a couple of years ago :-
12) Wish Your Audience A Happy Holiday
Last, but by no means least, don’t forget to wish your audience a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday (as not everyone celebrates Christmas) with a bright image and clearly post your closing dates too.
So now you have 12 fun post ideas to share on your social media pages. Want to make sure you have remembered everything you need to do on your business page over the holiday season? Check out our recent blog 12 Useful Social Media Tips For The Holiday Season to make sure you have it all covered.
If you would benefit from more great content ideas EVERY MONTH along with a great supportive group and expert coaching, why not check out our Facebook Kick Starter Academy? To find out more, click on the image below!
What fun things have you posted on your business page during the holiday season? I would love to hear in the comments below.
In the meantime. if you have found this article helpful, please share and tweet …..after all caring is sharing.
This is Suzii, signing out for now. Have a great day everyone!